Huge tip: you need a separate http server for the wss server
For years I struggled to launch both a https web server (on port 443) and a wss socket server (on say port 2345) opn the same node.js script.
The solution is simple, you just add (one line of code) a https server specifically for the wss server.
(Indeed, you just make one for each wss server you are operating.)
get a letscreate cert:
On the shell create your certs. Stop your webserver for a minute and:
% certbot certonly --standalone
In node.js
const cts = {
cert: fs.readFileSync("/etc/letsencrypt/-blah-/fullchain.pem"),
key: fs.readFileSync("/etc/letsencrypt/-blah-/privkey.pem")
// create https (443)
app = express()
app.use .. etc etc
app.get .. etc etc
https.createServer(cts, app).listen(443)
// bounce http (80)
const bounce = express()
bounce.get("*", (req, res, next) => {res.status(403)})
// create https SPECIFICALLY FOR wss (2345)
let for_2345 = https.createServer(options).listen(2345)
let wss = new WSServer({
server: for_2345,
perMessageDeflate: false
wss.on( etc etc )
// create https SPECIFICALLY FOR wss (2666)
let for_2666 = https.createServer(options).listen(2666)
let wss_admin = new WSServer({
server: for_2666,
perMessageDeflate: false
wss_admin.on( etc etc )
And that's how it's done.