This question has the same point of the link that I posted before.
( Is there a good way to avoid memory deep copy or to reduce time spent in multiprocessing? )
I'm getting nowhere with that since I faced the 'DataFrame' object sharing problem.
I simplified the sample code.
If there any professional to revise my code to share 'DataFrame' object between processes without Manager.list, Manager.dict, numpy sharedmem, I will very appreciate to her or him.
Here's the code.
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-'
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import *
import multiprocessing.sharedctypes as sharedctypes
import ctypes
def add_new_derived_column(shared_df_obj):
shared_df_obj.value['new_column']=shared_df_obj.value['A']+shared_df_obj.value['B'] / 2
print shared_df_obj.value.head()
"new_column" Generated!!!
A B new_column
0 -0.545815 -0.179209 -0.635419
1 0.654273 -2.015285 -0.353370
2 0.865932 -0.943028 0.394418
3 -0.850136 0.464778 -0.617747
4 -1.077967 -1.127802 -1.641868
if __name__ == "__main__":
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100000, 2), columns=['A', 'B'])
# to shared DataFrame object, I use sharedctypes.RawValue
shared_df_obj=sharedctypes.RawValue(ctypes.py_object, dataframe )
# then I pass the "shared_df_obj" to Mulitiprocessing.Process object
process=Process(target=add_new_derived_column, args=(shared_df_obj,))
print shared_df_obj.value.head()
"new_column" disappeared.
the DataFrame object isn't shared.
0 -0.545815 -0.179209
1 0.654273 -2.015285
2 0.865932 -0.943028
3 -0.850136 0.464778
4 -1.077967 -1.127802
- the problem with that is (for large frames) the overhead associated with moving the frame through the pipe destroys any benefit from processing it in parallel (depending on what it is that you're doing exactly) – Binucleate