I'm trying to programmatically calculate voltage changes over a very large circuit.
*This question may seem geared toward electronics, but it's more about applying an algorithm over a set of data.
To keep things simple,
here is a complete circuit, with the voltages already calculated:
I'm originally only given the battery voltage and the resistances:
The issue I have is that voltage is calculated differently among parallel and series circuits.
A somewhat similar question asked on SO.
Some formulas:
When resistors are in parallel:
Rtotal = 1/(1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 ... + 1/Rn)
When resistors are in series:
Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 ... + Rn
Ohm's Law:
V = IR
I = V/R
R = V/I
V is voltage
I is current
R is resistance
Every tutorial I've found on the internet consists of people conceptually grouping together parallel circuits to get the total resistance, and then using that resistance to calculate the resistance in series.
This is fine for small examples, but it's difficult to derive an algorithm out of it for large scale circuits.
My question:
Given a matrix of all complete paths,
is there a way for me to calculate all the voltage drops?
I currently have the system as a graph data structure.
All of the nodes are represented(and can be looked up by) an id number.
So for the example above, if I run the traversals, I'll get back a list of paths like this:
Each number can be used to derive the actual node and it's corresponding data. What kind of transformations/algorithms do I need to perform on this set of data?
It's very likely that portions of the circuit will be compound, and those compound sections may find themselves being in parallel or series with other compound sections.
I think my problem is akin to this: