Lately, I have been building a large scale application that uses a lot of separate Vuex modules. Let's take a look at one of them (e.g. support-chat
). Support chat is located on it's own separate page, and it would be redundant to pollute the store with this module on initial application load. My goal is to register this module dynamically when it's page is loaded. So my question is – where, when and how should I register that module?
I end up registering this module in the beforeCreate
hook of the page component:
import supportChatModule from '@/vuex/modules/support-chat'
// ...
beforeCreate() {
this.$store.registerModule('support-chat', supportChatModule, { preserveState: process.client })
beforeDestroy() {
// ...
What pitfalls does that approach have?
It would be great if you can share your approach in solving that issue.