I'm working with JMS and queues (Azure queues) for the first time. I'm required to make a queue where Rubi server would write some data and Java would read it from queue and will do further executions. This process is working fine locally on my machine. I've created a REST endpoint which is writing data in the queue and once data is written in the queue, the listener would take over and read the data and execute. When we deploy it to Azure the error I can see in logs which is not letting the Queues start is
Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'queue' - trying to recover. Cause: Identifier contains invalid JMS identifier character '-': 'x-request-id'
Zipkin is also present on the Azure server as a distributed tracing system and I guess this x-request-id
is related to Zipkin which is creating the problem. I've searched Google for the issue but couldn't understand why its happening.
Following is detailed error message:
[36mc.m.s.l.NextGenRequestLoggingFilter [0;39m [2m:[0;39m
Before request [uri=/services/deal-service/api/v2/deals/ack;headers=
x-envoy-internal:"true", x-b3-parentspanid:"a209cdc649b0b890", content-
length:"575", x-forwarded-proto:"http", postman-token:"ad074595-
76a5-474b-9711-7e071b12b3b0", x-b3-sampled:"1", x-forwarded-
for:"", accept:"*/*",
authorization: "some-token-YJc4tg--34jPRziJNSACqNQ", x-b3-
traceid:"6b40ff22781be67ba209cdc649b0b890", x-b3-
cache-control:"no-cache", accept-encoding:"gzip, deflate, br",
2020-02-18T15:19:34.197666458Z [2m2020-02-18 15:19:34.197[0;39m .
[,6b40ff22781be67ba209cdc649b0b890,702684ddb62cfe6b,true][0;39m .
[35m9[0;39m [2m---[0;39m [2m[ XNIO-1 task-15][0;39m