How do you manage a major schema change when you are using a Nosql store like SimpleDB?
I know that I am still thinking in SQL terms, but after working with SimpleDB for a few weeks I need to make a change to a running database. I would like to change one of the object classes to have a unique id, as rather than a business name, and as it is referenced by another object, I will need to also update the reference value in these objects.
With a SQL database you would run set of sql statements as part of the client software deployment process. Obviously this will not work with something like SimpleDB as
- there is no equivalent of a SQL update statement.
- Due to the distributed nature of SimpleDB, there is no way of knowing when the changes you have made to the database have 'filtered' out to all the nodes running your client software.
Some solutions I have thought of are
Each domain has a version number. The client software knows which version of the domain it should use. Write some code that copies the data from one domain version to another, making any required changes as you go. You can then install new client software that then accesses the new domain version. This approach will not work unless you can 'freeze' all write access during the update process.
Each item has a version attribute that indicates the format used when it was stored. The client uses this attribute when loading the object into memory. Object can then be converted to the latest format when it is written back to SimpleDB. The problem with this is that the new software needs to be deployed to all servers before any writes in the new format occur, or clients running the old software will not know how to read the new format.
It all is rather complex and I am wondering if I am missing something?