If I understood you're question correctly, I assume that you want the keypoint matches in std::vector<cv::DMatch>
for the purpose of drawing them with the OpenCV cv::drawMatches
or usage with some similar OpenCV function. Since I was also doing matching "by hand" recently, here's my code that draws up arbitrary matches contained originally in a std::vector<std::pair <int, int> > aMatches
and displays them in a window:
const cv::Mat& pic1 = img_1_var;
const cv::Mat& pic2 = img_2_var;
const std::vector <cv::KeyPoint> &feats1 = img_1_feats;
const std::vector <cv::KeyPoint> &feats2 = img_2_feats;
// you of course can work directly with original objects
// but for drawing you only need const references to
// images & their corresponding extracted feats
std::vector <std::pair <int, int> > aMatches;
// fill aMatches manually - one entry is a pair consisting of
// (index_in_img_1_feats, index_in_img_2_feats)
// the next code draws the matches:
std::vector <cv::DMatch> matches;
for (int i=0; i < (int)aMatches.size(); ++i)
matches.push_back(cv::DMatch(aMatches[i].first, aMatches[i].second,
cv::Mat output;
cv::drawMatches(pic1, feats1, pic2, feats2, matches, output);
cv::namedWindow("Match", 0);
cv::setWindowProperty("Match", CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN, 1);
cv::imshow("Match", output);
Alternatively, if you need fuller information about the matches for purposes more complicated than drawing then you might also want to set the distance between matches to a proper value. E.g. if you want to calculate distances using L2 distance, you should replace the following line:
for (int i=0; i < (int)aMatches.size(); ++i)
matches.push_back(cv::DMatch(aMatches[i].first, aMatches[i].second,
with this (note, for this a reference to feature descriptor vectors is also needed):
cv::L2<float> cmp;
const std::vector <std::vector <float> > &desc1 = img_1_feats_descriptors;
const std::vector <std::vector <float> > &desc2 = img_2_feats_descriptors;
for (int i=0; i < (int)aMatches.size(); ++i){
float *firstFeat = &desc1[aMatches[i].first];
float *secondFeat = &desc2[aMatches[i].second];
float distance = cmp(firstFeat, secondFeat, firstFeat->size());
matches.push_back(cv::DMatch(aMatches[i].first, aMatches[i].second,
Note that in the last snippet, descX[i]
is a descriptor for featsX[i]
, each element of the inner vector being one component of the descriptor vector. Also, note that all descriptor vectors should have the same dimensionality.