I have a simple task - read a bunch of lines out of a file and do something with each one of them. Except the first one - which are some headings to be ignored.
So I thought I'd try out conduits.
printFile src = runResourceT $ CB.sourceFile src =$=
CT.decode CT.utf8 =$= CT.lines =$= CL.mapM_ putStrLn
So now I just want to drop the first line off ... and there seems to be a function for that -
printFile src = runResourceT $ CB.sourceFile src =$=
CT.decode CT.utf8 =$= CT.lines =$= drop 1 =$= CL.mapM_ putStrLn
Hmm - but now I notice drop has type signature Sink a m ()
. Someone suggested to me that I can use the Monad instance for pipes and use drop to effectfully drop some elements - so I tried this:
drop' :: Int -> Pipe a a m ()
drop' n = do
CL.drop n
x <- await
case x of
Just v -> yield v
Nothing -> return ()
Which doesn't type check because the monad instance for pipes only applies to pipes of the same type - Sinks have Void as their output, so I can't use it like this.
I took a quick look at pipes and pipes-core and I notice that pipes-core has the function as I expected it to be, where as pipes is a minimal library but the documentation shows how it would be implemented.
So I'm confused - maybe there's a key concept I'm missing .. I saw the function
sequence :: Sink input m output -> Conduit input m output
But that doesn't seem to be the right idea, as the output value is ()
CL.sequence (CL.drop 1) :: Conduit a m ()
I'll probably just go back and use lazy-io as I don't really need any streaming - but I'd be interested to see the proper way to do it.
Monad m => Int -> Pipe Void Void m ()
which I think makes it rather hard to use for anything I think? – Trawl