I've found this beautiful quick way to remove gravity from accelerometer readings. However, I have a 6dof IMU (xyz gyro, xyz accel, no magnetometer) so I am not sure if I can use this code (I tried and it doesn't work correctly).
How would someone remove the gravity component? It's a big obstacle because I can't proceed with my project.
What I have:
- quaternion depicting the position of aircraft (got that using Extended Kalman Filter)
- acceleration sensor readings (unfiltered; axes aligned as the plane is aligned; gravity is also incorporated in these readings)
What I want:
- remove the gravity
- correct (rotate) the accelerometer readings so it's axes will be aligned with earth's frame of reference's axes
- read the acceleration towards earth (now Z component of accelerometer)
Basically I want to read the acceleration towards earth no matter how the plane is oriented! But first step is to remove gravity I guess.