How are you?
Now I am making the script to solve the recaptcha.
Using python-capmonster module, I can get response. so I inputted the response in <Textarea>
driver.execute_script('document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML = "%s"' % response)
I can see it inputted correctly in textarea at selenium's browser.
but where is submit button? how can I click submit button?
That is my question. Will I need to click the submit(verify or skip) button in <iframe>
It's really up in the air.
If you know some tip for this one, please help me. Thanks
To check step, please check this one. https://www.tixr.com/groups/beakandskiff/events/rainbow-kitten-surprise-60724 (click vip experience, increase amount and checkout, if you can meet recaptcha in the site)