The Emotion docs tell us how to make reusable media queries that works in the css prop. This allows us to make the following queries in a css prop:
color: 'green',
[mq[0]]: {
color: 'gray'
[mq[1]]: {
color: 'hotpink'
With mq[0]
and mq[1]
referring to the first two items in a breakpoints array. For example: const breakpoints = [576, 768, 992, 1200]
What's more, this article takes it one step further, by showing up how to get named reusable media queries by using a breakpoint object. It starts by making a similar function as per the emotion docs, but for objects:
const mq = n => {
const bpArray = Object.keys(bp).map(key => [key, bp[key]]);
const [result] = bpArray.reduce((acc, [name, size]) => {
if (n === name) return [...acc, `@media (min-width: ${size}px)`];
return acc;
}, []);
return result;
This then allows us to create a breakpoints object with named media queries:
// object
const breakpoints = {
sm: 500,
md: 768,
lg: 992,
xl: 1200
// query
${mq('sm')} {
color: gray;
So far, so good.
I would now like to do something similar in an emotion styled component. As such, I created an breakpoints object and the same function as mentioned in the above article.
I then tried to use the short hand media query in my emotion styled component -- like this:
import styled from '@emotion/styled'
const Container = styled.div`
${mq('sm')`max-width: 750px;`}
${mq('md')`max-width: 970px;`}
${mq('lg')`max-width: 1170px`}
But when I try this, it does not work. I get the following error message:
TypeError: Object(...) is not a function
Any idea why this is happening and what I can do to get it to work?
${mq('sm')} {max-width: 750px;}
? – Bridgers