I'm experimenting with Sesame and Virtuoso Triplestores. At the Moment I use the Sesame Java API to add RDF Data to both Triplestores.
My RDF Data represents different things like Videodata, Userdata etc. At the moment I can add a RDF of a Video (title, description, location etc.) to the Triplestore
But How can I update a RDF in the store ?
For Example if I use the REST Interface of sesame and make a PUT Request with the updated RDF, everything in the store is removed first.
When I use POST with the updated Data (for example the title of the video has changed), both title (old and new) are stored.
How do you work with triplestores? Maybe I miss here something essential.
I use now Context in Sesame and Graphs in Virtuoso for every RDF entry. This way for update I can clear the context first and add it again. As I use the Sesame API for both Triplestores (we still don't know which one we are going to use), the code looks exactly the same.
ValueFactory f = rep.getValueFactory();
URI uri = f.createURI(urn);
con.add(reader,this.baseURI, RDFFormat.RDFXML,uri);
thanks for the help