I have the following sample C# code that is auto-genereated from an xsd using the svcutils.exe application.
public enum Foo
[EnumMember(Value = "bar")]
Bar = 1,
[EnumMember(Value = "baz")]
Baz = 2
public class UNameIt
[DataMember(Name = "id")]
public long Id { get; private set; }
[DataMember(Name = "name")]
public string Name { get; private set; }
[DataMember(Name = "foo")]
public Foo Foo { get; private set; }
The following is a unit test that attempts to deserialise a sample JSON document to the UNameIt class.
public class JsonSerializer_Fixture
public const string JsonData = @"{ ""id"":123456,
""name"":""John Doe"",
public void DataObjectSimpleParseTest()
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(UNameIt));
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(JsonData));
UNameIt dataObject = serializer.ReadObject(ms) as UNameIt;
Assert.AreEqual(123456, dataObject.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(Foo.Baz, dataObject.Foo);
Unfortunately, the test fails giving the following reason:
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: There was an error deserializing the object of type MyNamespace.Units.UNameIt. The value 'Bar' cannot be parsed as the type 'Int64'.
The test will pass if I update my JSON string to replace the string specifier for the Enum to an integer e.g.
public const string JsonData = @"{ ""id"":123456,
""name"":""John Doe"",
I do not have the flexibility to the change the supplied JSON so I have to figure out how to convert the string Enum representation perhaps on serialisation. Ideally, I would like to facilitate this without having to change my autogenerate class because once I re-generate the class I would loose my changes.
I am wondering if it would be possible to extend the DataContractJsonSerializer to custom handle Enumerations? Or perhaps there is better way to do this?