I am building a node graph in a QGraphicsView and I am currently implementing panning. I used the following question "how to pan images in QGraphicsView" to start but the panning is limited by the scrollbar range.
I also tried the translate method but it gives the same result. The view is limited to a certain rectangle.
I would like to pan without limits, the graph can becomes quite large and it is useful to be able to work in different area of the scene (one graph here, another graph over there, etc).
QGraphicsView can be used to visualize a whole scene, or only parts of it. The visualized area is by default detected automatically when the view is displayed for the first time (by calling QGraphicsScene::itemsBoundingRect()). To set the visualized area rectangle yourself, you can call setSceneRect(). This will adjust the scroll bars' ranges appropriately. Note that although the scene supports a virtually unlimited size, the range of the scroll bars will never exceed the range of an integer (INT_MIN, INT_MAX).
qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qgraphicsview.html – Typhoid