We can use pykd to achieve this. Find the downloads linked from PyKD Wiki or PyKD Downloads. When using WinDbg Preview, copy the DLLs into
for 64 bit or
for 32 Bit.
Since this is only the WinDbg extension, you also need the Python module as well:
pip install pykd
Use the power of Python to do what WinDbg can't do. Save the following script in a good place for WinDbg, i.e. in a short path without spaces.
from pykd import *
import sys
import re
import struct
if len(sys.argv)<4:
print("Wildcard search for memory")
print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "<address> <length> <pattern> [-v]", sep=" ")
print(" <address>: Memory address where searching begins.")
print(" This can be a WinDbg expression like ntdll!NtCreateThreadEx.")
print(" <length> : Number of bytes that will be considered as the haystack.")
print(" <pattern>: Bytes that you're looking for. May contain ?? for unknown bytes.")
print(" [-v] : (optional) Verbose output")
print(" ", sys.argv[0], "00770000 L50 01 02 03 ?? 05")
print(" will find 01 02 03 04 05 or 01 02 03 FF 05, if present in memory")
verbose = False
if sys.argv[-1][0:2] == "-v":
verbose = True
if verbose:
for n in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
print(f"param {n}: " + sys.argv[n])
address = expr(sys.argv[1])
if verbose: print("Start address:", "0x{:08x}".format(address), sep=" ")
length = sys.argv[2]
length = length.replace("L?","") # consider large address range syntax
length = length.replace("L","") # consider address range syntax
length = expr(length)
if verbose: print("Length:", "0n"+str(length), "bytes", sep=" ")
regex = b""
for n in range(3, len(sys.argv) - 1 if verbose else 0):
if sys.argv[n] == "??":
regex += bytes(".", "ascii")
char = struct.pack("B", expr(sys.argv[n]))
if char == b".":
regex += struct.pack("B", ord("\\"))
regex += char
if verbose: print("Regex:", regex, sep=" ")
memorycontent = loadBytes(address, length)
if verbose: print("Memory:", memorycontent, sep=" ")
result = re.search(regex, bytes(memorycontent))
print("Found:", ' '.join("0x{:02x}".format(x) for x in result.group(0)), "at address", "0x{:08x}".format(address+result.start()))
The script constructs a Regex for a Bytes object. It uses .
for the wildcard and escapes literal .
to \.
Let's prepare a proper sample in WinDbg:
0:006> .dvalloc 1000
Allocated 1000 bytes starting at 00900000
0:000> eu 0x00900000 "Test.with.regex"
0:000> db 0x00900000 L0n30
00900000 54 00 65 00 73 00 74 00-2e 00 77 00 69 00 74 00 T.e.s.t...w.i.t.
00900010 68 00 2e 00 72 00 65 00-67 00 65 00 78 00 h...r.e.g.e.x.
Load the PyKD extension, so we'll be able to run the script:
0:006> .load pykd
and run the script:
0:000> !py d:\debug\scripts\memwild.py 00900000 L10 2e ?? 77
Found: 0x2e 0x00 0x77 at address 0x00900008
AA ?? BB ?? CC ?? DD
– Borman