I have the following code that I'm trying to deploy as an EJB to WebLogic 12c, but I'm getting an error:
"Error deploying the EJB GeopoliticalServiceBean(Application: campaigner-ejb, EJBComponent: campaigner-service.jar), the JNDI name java:global/campaigner-ejb/campaigner-service/GeopoliticalServiceBean!com.dr_dee_sw.campaigner.service.GeopoliticalServiceLocal is already in use. You must set a different JNDI name in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor or corresponding annotation for this EJB before it can be deployed."
public interface GeopoliticalService
public interface GeopoliticalServiceLocal extends GeopoliticalService
public interface GeopoliticalServiceRemote extends GeopoliticalService
@TransactionManagement(value = TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER)
@TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
public class GeopoliticalServiceBean implements GeopoliticalServiceLocal,GeopoliticalServiceRemote
More information: I've reduced the EJB-JAR file, campaigner-service.jar, so that there's only one bean in it, plus the interfaces and exceptions. the EAR file, campaigner-ejb.ear, has only the EJB-JAR in it at the main level. It also has a "lib" directory with supporting libraries, but it only has the DAO and DTO jars in it plus third-party libraries. So, to me, it doesn't seem like a packaging issue.
This is my first app using all annotations, but it still seems fairly straight-forward. What am I missing?