I am executing a statement in Livy Server using HTTP POST call to localhost:8998/sessions/0/statements
, with the following body
"code": "spark.sql(\"select * from test_table limit 10\")"
I would like an answer in the following format
"data": {
"application/json": "[
{"id": "123", "init_date": 1481649345, ...},
{"id": "133", "init_date": 1481649333, ...},
{"id": "155", "init_date": 1481642153, ...},
but what I'm getting is
"data": {
"text/plain": "res0: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: string, init_date: timestamp ... 64 more fields]"
Which is the toString()
version of the dataframe.
Is there some way to return a dataframe as JSON using the Livy Server?
Found a JIRA issue that addresses the problem: https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/LIVY-72
By the comments one can say that Livy does not and will not support such feature?