To be precise, the squiggle adornment has a Brush that is either a Red SolidColorBrush or is a brush that is determined by the exported EditorFormatDefinition with NameAttribute name matching that of the IErrorTag.ErrorType with a corresponding exported ErrorTypeDefinition that too has a NameAttribute matching the IErrorTag.ErrorType.
It is the ResourceDictionary from EditorFormatDefinition.CreateResourceDictionaryFromDefinition that determines the Brush. If you are not overriding this method then your exported EditorFormatDefinition can set either ForegroundColor for a SolidColorBrush or set ForegroundBrush to any Brush implementation.
These exports can be on the ITagger<T>
For instance
class ErrorEditorFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(Color errorColor, string displayName = null) : this(displayName)
this.ForegroundColor = errorColor;
public ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(Brush brush, string displayName = null) : this(displayName)
this.ForegroundBrush = brush;
private ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(string displayName)
if (displayName != null)
this.DisplayName = displayName;
this.BackgroundCustomizable = false;
internal class ErrorTagger : ITagger<IErrorTag>
public const string MethodNotCoveredErrorType = "MethodNotCovered";
public const string MethodPartiallyCoveredErrorType = "MethodPartiallyCovered";
public const string LineNotCoveredErrorType = "LineNotCovered";
public const string LinePartiallyCoveredErrorType = "LinePartiallyCovered";
public event EventHandler<SnapshotSpanEventArgs> TagsChanged;
public ErrorTypeDefinition MethodNotCoveredErrorTypeDefinition { get; }
public ErrorTypeDefinition MethodPartiallyErrorTypeDefinition { get; }
public ErrorTypeDefinition LineNotCoveredErrorTypeDefinition { get; }
public ErrorTypeDefinition LinePartiallyErrorTypeDefinition { get; }
public EditorFormatDefinition MethodNotCoveredErrorFormatDefinition { get; } = new ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Pink));
public EditorFormatDefinition MethodPartiallyCoveredErrorFormatDefinition { get; } = new ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(new LinearGradientBrush()
StartPoint = new System.Windows.Point(0, 0),
EndPoint = new System.Windows.Point(1, 0),
GradientStops = new GradientStopCollection
new GradientStop(Colors.Yellow, 0.0),
new GradientStop(Colors.Red, 0.25),
new GradientStop(Colors.Blue, 0.75),
new GradientStop(Colors.LimeGreen, 1.0)
},"Call me what you want");
public EditorFormatDefinition LineNotCoveredErrorFormatDefinition { get; } = new ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(Colors.Brown);
public EditorFormatDefinition LinePartiallyCoveredErrorFormatDefinition { get; } = new ErrorEditorFormatDefinition(Colors.Cyan);
public IEnumerable<ITagSpan<IErrorTag>> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
return new List<ITagSpan<IErrorTag>>
// determine as appropriate
new TagSpan<IErrorTag>(new SnapshotSpan(spans[0].Snapshot, new Span(0, spans[0].Snapshot.Length)), new ErrorTag(MethodPartiallyCoveredErrorType, "Method partially covered")),
The PredefinedErrorTypeNames are just those that are guaranteed to have a matching ErrorTypeDefinition/EditorFormatDefinition.
public static class PredefinedErrorTypeNames {
/// <summary>Represents syntax errors.</summary>
public const string SyntaxError = "syntax error";
/// <summary>Represents compiler errors.</summary>
public const string CompilerError = "compiler error";
/// <summary>Represents other errors.</summary>
public const string OtherError = "other error";
/// <summary>Represents compiler warnings.</summary>
public const string Warning = "compiler warning";
/// <summary>Represents a suggestion with no visual treatment.</summary>
public const string Suggestion = "suggestion";
///<summary>Represents a suggestion with subtle visual treatment.</summary>
public const string HintedSuggestion = "hinted suggestion";
Note that Suggestion is not visible in Fonts And Colors - also check the DisplayName changes below for how to find these in Fonts And Colors.
internal class SuggestionClassificationFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public SuggestionClassificationFormatDefinition()
this.ForegroundBrush = (Brush)Brushes.Transparent;
this.BackgroundCustomizable = new bool?(false);
this.DisplayName = "Suggestion";
[Name("compiler warning")]
internal class WarningClassificationFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public WarningClassificationFormatDefinition()
this.ForegroundBrush = (Brush)new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb((byte)0, (byte)128, (byte)0));
this.BackgroundCustomizable = new bool?(false);
this.DisplayName = "Warning";
[Name("compiler error")]
internal class CompilerErrorClassificationFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public CompilerErrorClassificationFormatDefinition()
this.ForegroundBrush = (Brush)Brushes.Blue;
this.BackgroundCustomizable = new bool?(false);
this.DisplayName = "Compiler Error";
[Name("other error")]
internal class OtherErrorClassificationFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public OtherErrorClassificationFormatDefinition()
this.ForegroundBrush = (Brush)new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb((byte)149, (byte)23, (byte)149));
this.BackgroundCustomizable = new bool?(false);
this.DisplayName = "Other Error";
[Name("syntax error")]
internal class SyntaxErrorFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public SyntaxErrorFormatDefinition()
this.ForegroundBrush = (Brush)Brushes.Red;
this.BackgroundCustomizable = new bool?(false);
this.DisplayName = "Syntax Error";
[Name("hinted suggestion")]
internal class HintedSuggestionClassificationFormatDefinition : EditorFormatDefinition
public HintedSuggestionClassificationFormatDefinition()
this.ForegroundBrush = (Brush)new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb((byte)165, (byte)165, (byte)165));
this.BackgroundCustomizable = new bool?(false);
this.DisplayName = "Suggestion ellipses (...)";
There is one in Vs 2022 that is not included in this list. ErrorType "Edit and Continue" that by default provides a Purple brush, it is "Rude Edit" in Fonts And Colors.
If you want the squiggle colour to be edited in visual studio then set [UserVisible(true)]
on the EditorFormatDefinition and if you do so this.BackgroundCustomizable = false;
, as I have done with the ErrorEditorFormatDefinition class, given that the background is not used. Do not make user visible if you are supplying a non SolidColorBrush.
Finally, there is a different adornment for the ErrorType = PredefinedErrorTypeNames.HintedSuggestion, all others are squiggles.
namespace also has theTextMarkerTag
, amongst others, that implementITag
. Did you read – BethanyErrorType
, those seem to be what VS supports:… – Bethany