This is the code I'm using to connect to SQL server 2012 express. My file's name is Connect.rb
require "rubygems"
require "tiny_tds"
client =
:username => 'sa',
:password => 'sapassword',
:dataserver => 'localhost\SQLEXPRESS',
:database => 'ContactsDB')
result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM [Contacts]")
When I run the code, I'm getting the following error:
in 'execute' :closed connection (TinyTds::Error) from Connect.rb: in 'main'
when I replace the above code by the following,
client =
:username => 'sa',
:password => 'sapassword',
:host => 'localhost',
:port => 1433,
:database => 'ContactsDB')
I get the following error:
in 'connect': Unable to connect: Adaptive server is unavailable or does not exist
What's causing this error and how to fix it?
) with(local)\SQLEXPRESS
. Steps to troubleshoot SQL connectivity issues – Vehicle