The short version:
How do I start up Karma and have it open the debug.html file automatically in the same browser as the Karma start page?
The long version:
I'm not a huge fan of using the console reporters for Karma, so I have been using karma-jasmine-html-reporter-livereload which outputs to Karma's localhost:9876/debug.html file. The problem is, every time I start a debugging session, I have to click the 'debug' button in the web page that karma opens.
I would like to find a way to have karma open the debug.html page automatically through a gulp task. I run the tests in multiple browsers, so I would like the debug.html page to open as a second tab in each of the browsers that Karma opens. I would also like to be able to close that debug.html tab when karma closes. I've tried a bunch of things, with no success.
Here's my gulp task. The 'watch' task watches my source TypeScript files and compiles them into javascript...nothing fancy.
gulp.task('watch-test', ['watch'], function (done) {
//start a livereload server so that the karma html
//reporter knows to reload whenever the scripts change
livereload.listen(35729);'dist/src/**/*.js').on('change', livereload.changed);
new KarmaServer({
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js',
singleRun: false
}, done).start();