If I have a class Base, with at least one virtual function, and a class Derived which inherits singly from this then (uintptr_t)derived - (uintptr_t)static_cast<Base*>(derived)
is guaranteed (by the Itanium ABI) to be zero, even though Derived is not standard layout. However in the general case this is not necessarily true (eg. multiple inheritance).
Is it possible to write a trait which can be used to detect if one class is the primary base class of another?
Useful sections from the Itanium ABI:
Primary base class
For a dynamic class, the unique base class (if any) with which it shares the virtual pointer at offset 0. It is the first (in direct base class order) non-virtual dynamic base class, if one exists.
Dynamic class
A class requiring a virtual table pointer (because it or its bases have one or more virtual member functions or virtual base classes).