I try to get an information from a redis db and return it as the body of the response to the user. First, here is a code that fails :
var redis = require("redis"),
koa = require("koa");
var app = koa(),
port = process.argv[2] || 3000,
client = redis.createClient();
app.use(function* (next) {
client.get("test", function (err, res) {
this.body = res;
yield next;
console.log("listen on port " + port)
Surely because the yield calls end before the callback is called.
Then here is a code that success :
function askRedit (callback) {
client.get("test", callback);
app.use(function* (next) {
this.body = yield askRedit;
yield next;
But I clearly misunderstand why the second one is working. Does the yield
in yield askRedit
have the same behavior than the one in yield next
EDIT : I just seen a page that seems to answers a little : https://github.com/visionmedia/co/blob/master/examples/redis.js
So now I will try to understand these misterious yield.. is this a way of doing synchronous things with asynchronous calls ?