I'm not sure I got what you want to achieve, so this is how I choose to interpret what you wrote in your question:
In the live example that you provided, it is possible to click the button on each slide to "open up" that slide. When that is done, you want slide #8 to be skipped whenever the user is clicking the navigation buttons on the page, or is using the scroll button.
If this is the case, then adding the following listener for onLeave of a slide combined with the css in the bottom makes fullpage skip slide #8 whenever the class ".scrollfix" is present (maybe it ought to be renamed to ".scrollskip" or something similar):
$("#fullpage").fullpage({ onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction) {
setTimeout(function() {
var skip_section = $(".scrollfix").length > 0;
if (nextIndex === 8 && skip_section) {
if (direction === "down") {
} else {
} })
The CSS needs to be updated to hide the slide completely instead of just making it invisible:
.scrollfix {
display: none!important;
Pasting the JS code above into dev tools console while on your example page and making that small change to the scrollfix leads to the behavior I think you seek. Since you already have a "onLeave" event listener in your code, adding this fix in the dev tools will break the default behavior, but you should be able to add the code in the right place to have them both working at the same time.
,second layer
,first layer
... Not easy to follow it. You would have to specify what you mean with them. – IloiloWhile the second content is activated, I want to skip the slide number 8
what?? – Radiotransparent