I am a bit uncertain with the concepts of throttle and debounce functions.
As I get it:
we debounce a function that should be called after a certain event has happened. It is used in events like drag, keyup, etc. with the purpose of not firing all the time the event gets fired but instead when the series of events is done. Typically after a whole word has been typed, or a drag or resize sequence has ended.
we throttle a function that should fire while a series of events is happening, but when we want to control the amount of times it gets called. Like in a drag movement we want the function to be called only every x pixels of distance, or only every 100ms, and not every time the event is fired. So the throttle function is called while the series of events is happening, just fewer times.
is this a correct perception of what these functions are and their purpose? are there other features that distinguish them?