I am using bower-installer to copy files I need from bower_components folder into bower_dist folder. Here is relevant part of bower.json file:
"install": {
"path": "bower_dist"
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~2.1.4",
"bootstrap": "~3.3.4",
"slick.js": "~1.5.5"
Now this is creating bower_dist folder and within it folder for each component. The problem is that within slick.js component I have few files (eot, svg, ttf, woff) that I need to have in /slick.js/fonts
folder (rather than just /slick.js/
How do I do this? I've tried specifying special case for eot, svg, ttf and woff, but then that gets applied to all components. Plus I don't want to introduce need to specify all file types (js, css, etc)... rather want to just configure special font type for slick.js. Is this possible to do?