I'm running Python 2.7.10 on a 16GB, 2.7GHz i5, OSX 10.11.5 machine.
I've observed this phenomenon many times in many different types of examples, so the example below, though a bit contrived, is representative. It's just what I happened to be working on earlier today when my curiosity finally piqued.
>>> timeit('unicodedata.category(chr)', setup = 'import unicodedata, random; chr=unichr(random.randint(0,50000))', number=100)
>>> timeit('unicodedata.category(chr)', setup = 'import unicodedata, random; chr=unichr(random.randint(0,50000))', number=1000)
>>> timeit('unicodedata.category(chr)', setup = 'import unicodedata, random; chr=unichr(random.randint(0,50000))', number=10000)
>>> timeit('unicodedata.category(chr)', setup = 'import unicodedata, random; chr=unichr(random.randint(0,50000))', number=100000)
>>> timeit('unicodedata.category(chr)', setup = 'import unicodedata, random; chr=unichr(random.randint(0,50000))', number=1000000)
You'll notice that, from 100 to 1000, there's a factor of 10 increase in the time, as expected. However, 1e3 to 1e4, it's more like a factor of 50, and then a factor of 2 from 1e4 to 1e5 (so a total factor of 100 from 1e3 to 1e5, which is expected).
I'd figured that there must be some sort of caching-based optimization going on either in the actual process being timed or in timeit
itself, but I can't quite figure out empirically whether this is the case. The imports don't seem to matter, as can be observed this with a most basic example:
>>> timeit('1==1', number=10000)
>>> timeit('1==1', number=100000)
>>> timeit('1==1', number=1000000)
where from 1e4 to 1e6 there's a true factor of 1e2 time difference, but the intermediate steps are ~30 and ~3.
I could do more ad hoc data collection but I haven't got a hypothesis in mind at this point.
Any notion as to why the non-linear scale at certain intermediate numbers of runs?
timeit('1==1', number=10000)
multiple times and observe the fluctuations. You are basically observing noise. Your process might be preempted by some other process, or the resolution of the timer might not be high enough to resolve such short times accurately. – Vicinal