I'm new to Coq, working on set-theoretic proof writing.
I realized that parentheses are omitted, and it makes difficult for me to read the formula. For example,
1 subgoal
A, B : {set T}
H : B \subset A
A :\: A :|: A :&: B = B
But I would like Coq to print (A :\: A) :|: (A :&: B) = B
. This output above is gained by the foloowing code.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat fintype finset.
Theorem a_a_b__b' (A B : {set T}) : B \subset A -> (A :\: (A :\: B)) = B.
move=> H.
rewrite setDDr.
To my surprise, if I see the original coding of setDDr
in finset.v, it has parentheses as follows
Lemma setDDr A B C : A :\: (B :\: C) = (A :\: B) :|: (A :&: C).
Proof. by rewrite !setDE setCI setIUr setCK. Qed.
So I'm wondering why parentheses disappear and how to force Coq to print parentheses explicitly in CoqIde.