ReactNative's ListView is little bit odd when it comes to data updates.
I have an array of objects (name: Item), that have 3 properties:
- id (int)
- name (string)
- enabled (bool)
The array of items is displayed in a ListView. Each row shows the name of the item and a checkmark representing the enabled-state (red on true, gray on false). In my example it is simplified to a simple string "true"/"false".
Each row is embedded in a TouchableOpacity with a onPress-EventHandler, that toggles the enabled-state of the represented item.
Unfortunately, the ListView won't update the row.
While debugging the rowHasChanged-Event, it turns out that the rowHasChanged-Event could never determine the changed state because both rows already get the new state after toggling the enabled-property without any update to the UI.
Here is my Code:
The Item-Class: Item.js
export default class Item {
constructor(id, name, enabled) {
this._id = id;
this._name = name;
this._enabled = enabled;
get id() {return this._id}
get name() {return this._name}
set name(value) {this._name = value}
get enabled() {return this._enabled}
set enabled(value) {this._enabled = value}
The ListView:
'use strict';
import React, {PropTypes, Component} from 'react';
import {View,TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight,
Text, ListView, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
import Item from './Item';
class ItemListView extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.updateListView = this.updateListView.bind(this);
this.toggleItemEnabled = this.toggleItemEnabled.bind(this);
this.state = {
dataSource: new ListView.DataSource({
rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 != row2
componentDidMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
updateListView(items) {
dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(
items.slice() // copy items to a new array
toggleItemEnabled(item) {
item.enabled = !item.enabled;
renderItem(item) {
console.log('Render', item.enabled,
return (
<TouchableOpacity style={{flex:1}} onPress={ () => this.toggleItemEnabled(item) }>
<View style={s.row}>
<Text>{ + ' ' + item.enabled}</Text>
render() {
return (
<View style={s.container}>
renderRow={(item) => this.renderItem(item)}
ItemListView.propTypes = {
items: PropTypes.array
ItemListView.defaultProps = {
items: [],
export default ItemListView;
const s = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
row: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center',
marginTop: 12,
paddingBottom: 12,
paddingHorizontal: 30,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderBottomColor: 'gray',
innerContainer: {
alignItems: 'center',
How to fix this behaviour, that the ListView gets updated when row-data changes?