I want to extract all data to make the plot, not with tensorboard. My understanding is all log with loss and accuracy is stored in a defined directory since tensorboard draw the line graph.
%reload_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs/
However, I wonder how all log can be extracted from the logger in pytorch lightning. The next is the code example in training part.
ssl_classifier = SSLImageClassifier(lr=lr)
logger = pl.loggers.TensorBoardLogger(name=f'ssl-{lr}-{num_epoch}', save_dir='lightning_logs')
trainer = pl.Trainer(progress_bar_refresh_rate=20,
max_epochs = max_epoch,
logger = logger,
trainer.fit(ssl_classifier, train_loader, val_loader)
I had confirmed that trainer.logger.log_dir
returned directory which seems to save logs and trainer.logger.log_metrics
returned <bound method TensorBoardLogger.log_metrics of <pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger object at 0x7efcb89a3e50>>
returned only the log in the final epoch, like
{'epoch': 19,
'train_acc': tensor(1.),
'train_loss': tensor(0.1038),
'val_acc': 0.6499999761581421,
'val_loss': 1.2171183824539185}
Do you know how to solve the situation?