I have multiple firestore databases in my project. The databases were created using the command line and I can see it in the Firestore Databases preview following the instructions here: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/databases/manage-multiple-firestore-databases-in-a-project
I am able to connect to the default database, but am having problems connecting to other named databases. I would like to be able to update/delete data in those other databases.
I am attempting to connect to the databases using the lastest firebase-admin sdk (11.10.1) which has support for multiple named databases (https://firebase.google.com/support/release-notes/admin/node)
I would like to use the functions getFirestore(databaseId)
or getFirestore(app, databaseId)
but am getting the following error when I try to save data:
Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: The request was for database 'projects/testproject/databases/testdb' but was attempting to access database 'projects/testproject/databases/(default)'
My code looks like this:
const { getFirestore } = require('firebase-admin/firestore');
const {
} = require('firebase-admin/app');
const app = initializeApp({
credential: applicationDefault(),
const db = getFirestore();
const otherFirestore = getFirestore('testdb');
const saveData = async (col, doc, data) => {
await otherFirestore
.set(data, { merge: true });
If I use db instead of otherFirestore, the data is saved into my default database.
I have also tried doing a const otherFirestore = getFirestore(app, 'testdb');
but end up with the same error.
I am expecting the data to be saved to my testdb database.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!