I'm looking for ways to make Symfony 2 Assetic 1.0.2 development easier. I use Assetic for dumping/publishing my assets.
Currently I keep running this command in the background:
php app/console assetic:dump --watch
It helps a lot, every change I make to JS or CSS files will automatically get dumped to the public directory where the resources are fetched from by the browser.
However, I have issues with this:
If I add a new CSS/JS file, for some reason it does not get dumped. I need to stop the watch, clear the cache and initiate the watch again.
It is kind of slow, eats 5%-20% CPU time constantly.
Is there an alternative to development with Assetic? I already tried the approach of serving the resources through a controller (use_controller: true
for Assetic), but it was even slower (because let's face the fact, PHP is not for serving static data).
for it to work, which is not ideal for production, however. – Mckeehan