I'm trying to group column values by a specific column using FOR XML PATH('')
in TSQL. This is the result in both cases (note that the without XML code - ie: SELECT * FROM @xml
- is the same as the with XML code):
Class | Animals
Asteroidea | Starfish
Mammalia | Dog
Mammalia | Cat
Mammalia | Coyote
Reptilia | Crocodile
Reptilia | Lizard
According to this article and this article (note that the second article leaves out the GROUP BY
, which I'm unsure how the author managed to pull this off without it - I've tried and it only generates all the values), the syntax should be as shown below this:
Animal VARCHAR(50),
Class VARCHAR(50)
VALUES ('Dog','Mammalia')
, ('Cat','Mammalia')
, ('Coyote','Mammalia')
, ('Starfish','Asteroidea')
, ('Crocodile','Reptilia')
, ('Lizard','Reptilia')
SELECT x1.Class
, STUFF((SELECT ',' + x2.Animal AS [text()]
FROM @xml x2
WHERE x1.Animal = x2.Animal
ORDER BY x2.Animal
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'' ) AS "Animals"
FROM @xml x1
After a few hours, between these examples and the above code, I fail to see where I'm wrong on syntax, but I'm receiving the error "Column '@xml.Animal' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause." Note that if I leave off the GROUP BY clause, it still doesn't produce the values in the appropriate manner. Another set of eyes would be useful.