Here's a version that shows how bad your blocking fallback
Notice that the executor is single threaded and you're creating many fallbacks.
@cmbaxter is right, your master timeout shouldn't be timeout * futures.size
, it should be bigger!
@cmbaxter is also right that you want to think non-blocking. Once you do that, and you want to impose timeouts, then you will pick a timer component for that, see his linked answer (also linked from your linked answer).
That said, I still like my answer from your link, in so far as sitting in a loop waiting for the next thing that should timeout is really simple.
It just takes a list of futures and their timeouts and a fallback value.
Maybe there is a use case for that, such as a simple app that just blocks for some results (like your test) and must not exit before results are in.
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.lang.System.{ nanoTime => now }
object Test extends App {
//implicit val xc =
implicit val xc = ExecutionContext fromExecutorService (Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
def timed[A](body: =>A): A = {
val start = now
val res = body
val end = now
Console println (Duration fromNanos end-start).toMillis + " " + res
println("Creating futureList")
val timeout = 1500 millis
val futures = List(1000, 1500, 1200, 800, 2000) map { ms =>
val f = future {
timed {
blocking(Thread sleep ms)
ms toString
Future firstCompletedOf Seq(f, fallback(timeout))
println("Creating waitinglist")
val waitingList = Future sequence futures
timed {
val results = Await result (waitingList, 2 * timeout * futures.size)
def fallback(timeout: Duration) = future {
timed {
blocking(Thread sleep (timeout toMillis))
What happened:
Creating futureList
Creating waitinglist
1001 1000
1500 -1
1500 1500
1500 -1
1200 1200
1500 -1
800 800
1500 -1
2000 2000
1500 -1
List(1000, 1500, 1200, 800, 2000)
14007 ()
more efficient thanTimerTask
? Both do the same job. – Rid