I'm writing a Grails 2.2.1 integration test using the Spock plugin, in which I am trying to post two sets of data to the same controller endpoint:
when: "The user adds this product to the inventory"
def postData = [productId: 123]
controller.request.JSON = postData
and: "Then they add another"
def secondPostData = [productId: 456]
controller.request.JSON = secondPostData
then: "The size of the inventory should be 2"
new JSONObject( controller.response.contentAsString ).inventorySize == 2
The problem I am seeing is that the same JSON is submitted to addToInventory() for both requests.
This StackOverflow question suggests calling controller.request.reset(), but this did not work (No signature of method: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.testing.GrailsMockHttpServletRequest.reset()).
Is what I am attempting possible?