I'm using Javascript & jQuery to build a parallax scroll script that manipulates an image in a figure
element using transform:translate3d
, and based on the reading I've done (Paul Irish's blog, etc), I've been informed the best solution for this task is to use requestAnimationFrame
for performance reasons.
Although I understand how to write Javascript, I'm always finding myself uncertain of how to write good Javascript. In particular, while the code below seems to function correctly and smoothly, I'd like to get a few issues resolved that I'm seeing in Chrome Dev Tools.
$(document).ready(function() {
function parallaxWrapper() {
// Get the viewport dimensions
var viewportDims = determineViewport();
var parallaxImages = [];
var lastKnownScrollTop;
// Foreach figure containing a parallax
$('figure.parallax').each(function() {
// Save information about each parallax image
var parallaxImage = {};
parallaxImage.container = $(this);
parallaxImage.containerHeight = $(this).height();
// The image contained within the figure element
parallaxImage.image = $(this).children('img.lazy');
parallaxImage.offsetY = parallaxImage.container.offset().top;
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
lastKnownScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
function animateParallaxImages() {
$.each(parallaxImages, function(index, parallaxImage) {
var speed = 3;
var delta = ((lastKnownScrollTop + ((viewportDims.height - parallaxImage.containerHeight) / 2)) - parallaxImage.offsetY) / speed;
'transform': 'translate3d(0,'+ delta +'px,0)'
Firstly, when I head to the 'Timeline' tab in Chrome Dev Tools, and start recording, even with no actions on the page being performed, the "actions recorded" overlay count continues to climb, at a rate of about ~40 per second.
Secondly, why is an "animation frame fired" executing every ~16ms, even when I am not scrolling or interacting with the page, as shown by the image below?
Thirdly, why is the Used JS Heap increasing in size without me interacting with the page? As shown in the image below. I have eliminated all other scripts that could be causing this.
Can anyone help me with some pointers to fix the above issues, and give me suggestions on how I should improve my code?