I have to implement a chat application using websocket, users will chat via groups, there can be thousands of groups and a user can be in multiple groups. I'm thinking about 2 solutions:
[1] for each group chat, I create a websocket endpoint (using camel-atmosphere-websocket), users in the same group can subscribe to the group endpoint and send/receive message over that endpoint. it means there can be thousands of websocket endpoints. Client side (let's say iPhone) has to subscribes to multiple wbesocket endpoints. is this a good practice?
[2] I just create one websocket endpoint for all groups. Client side just subscribes to this endpoint and I manage the messages distribution myself on server: get group members, pick the websocket of each member from list of connected websockets then write the message to each member via websocket.
Which solution is better in term of performance and easy to implement on both client and server?
EDIT 2015-10-06
I chose the second approach and did a test with jetty websocket client, I use camel atmosphere websocket on server side. On client side, I create websocket connections to server in threads. There was a problem with jetty that I can just create around 160 websocket connections (it means around 160 threads). The result is that I almost see no difference when the number of clients increases from 1 to 160.
Yes, 160 is not a big number, but I think I will do more test when I actually see the performance problem, for now, I'm ok with second approach.
If you are interested in the test code, here it is: http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/jetty-websocket-client-api.html#d0e22545