I'll start by saying that a complete answer would be a very long story, and I've told a large part of it in a blog post from last summer, so I'm going to skim over some details here and just provide a working implementation of thing
for Cats.
One other introductory note: this machinery now exists in Scalaz, and some of the "review" on my pull request adding it there is one of the many reasons I'm glad Cats exists. :)
First for a totally opaque type class that I won't even try to motivate here:
case class SingletonOf[T, U <: { type A; type M[_] }](
widen: T { type A = U#A; type M[x] = U#M[x] }
object SingletonOf {
implicit def mkSingletonOf[T <: { type A; type M[_] }](implicit
t: T
): SingletonOf[T, t.type] = SingletonOf(t)
Next we can define an IsoFunctor
, since Cats doesn't seem to have one at the moment:
import cats.arrow.NaturalTransformation
trait IsoFunctor[F[_], G[_]] {
def to: NaturalTransformation[F, G]
def from: NaturalTransformation[G, F]
object IsoFunctor {
implicit def isoNaturalRefl[F[_]]: IsoFunctor[F, F] = new IsoFunctor[F, F] {
def to: NaturalTransformation[F, F] = NaturalTransformation.id[F]
def from: NaturalTransformation[F, F] = to
We could use something a little simpler than IsoFunctor
for what we're about to do, but it's a nice principled type class, and it's what I used in Scalaz, so I'll stick with it here.
Next for an new Unapply
that bundles together two Unapply
import cats.Unapply
trait UnapplyProduct[TC[_[_]], MA, MB] {
type M[X]; type A; type B
def TC: TC[M]
type MA_ = MA
def _1(ma: MA): M[A]
def _2(mb: MB): M[B]
object UnapplyProduct {
implicit def unapplyProduct[
TC[_[_]], MA0, MB0,
U1 <: { type A; type M[_] },
U2 <: { type A; type M[_] }
sU1: SingletonOf[Unapply[TC, MA0], U1],
sU2: SingletonOf[Unapply[TC, MB0], U2],
iso: IsoFunctor[U1#M, U2#M]
): UnapplyProduct[TC, MA0, MB0] {
type M[x] = U1#M[x]; type A = U1#A; type B = U2#A
} = new UnapplyProduct[TC, MA0, MB0] {
type M[x] = U1#M[x]; type A = U1#A; type B = U2#A
def TC = sU1.widen.TC
def _1(ma: MA0): M[A] = sU1.widen.subst(ma)
def _2(mb: MB0): M[B] = iso.from(sU2.widen.subst(mb))
As a historical side note, UnapplyProduct
existed for four years in Scalaz before it had any useful instances.
And now we can write something like this:
import cats.Applicative
def thing[MA, MB](ma: MA, mb: MB)(implicit
un: UnapplyProduct[Applicative, MA, MB]
): Applicative[un.M] = un.TC
And then:
scala> import cats.data.Xor
import cats.data.Xor
scala> thing(Xor.left[String, Int]("foo"), Xor.right[String, Char]('a'))
res0: cats.Applicative[[x]cats.data.Xor[String,x]] = cats.data.XorInstances$$anon$1@70ed21e4
And we've successfully talked the compiler into identifying how to break down these Xor
types in such a way that it can see the relevant Applicative
instance (which we return).
idea falls on Miles Sabin (of course): gist.github.com/milessabin/cadd73b7756fe4097ca0 – Locris