I'm currently using Dexie.js to store data locally. I have 3 different tables, that are joined with each other by using foreign keys. I managed to setup the schema and insert the corresponding data. However, when I want to retrieve the data, I failed to find an example of how to join different tables.
Here's an example:
var db = new Dexie('my-testing-db');
db.delete().then(function() {
genres: '++id,name',
albums: '++id,name,year,*tracks',
bands: '++id,name,*albumsId,genreId'
db.transaction('rw', db.genres, db.albums, db.bands, function() {
var rock = db.genres.add({
name: 'rock'
jazz = db.genres.add({
name: 'jazz'
var justLookAround = db.albums.add({
name: 'Just Look Around',
year: 1992,
tracks: [
'We want the truth', 'Locomotive', 'Shut me out'
var sickOfItAll = db.bands.add({
name: 'Sick Of it All'
justLookAround.then(function(album_id) {
rock.then(function(rock_id) {
sickOfItAll.then(function(band_id) {
db.bands.update(band_id, {
genreId: rock_id,
albumsId: [album_id]
}).then(function(updated) {
}).then(function() {
//how to join the tables here????
db.bands.each(function(band) {