...after refining the formulation, I see it.
I wrote my own char *lltoa(long long value, int radix)
function. I can use it in watches now.
Update: in the respective feature request, Chris White found a workaround on OS X with lldb:
I decided to do a bit more digging and found a way to set lldb on OS X
to force HEX output for unsigned char data types:
type format add –format hex "unsigned char"
If you want to make this setting persistent you can also create a
.lldbinit file and add this command to it. Once you do this CLion
will display this data type in HEX format.
This makes ALL the variables of this type display in hex.
Update 2: My first workaround is pretty dirty, here's a better one.
You can assign formats to more specific types. The debugger keeps track of type inheritance. So, adding a hex
format to uint8_t
will not affect unsigned char
. You can fine-tune the displays.
You can assign formats to structs also. Here's an example from my .lldbinit
type format add --format dec int32_t
# https://lldb.llvm.org/varformats.html
type summary add --summary-string "addr=${var.address} depth=${var.depth}" Position