I can extract vocabulary from CountVecotizerModel by the following way
fl = StopWordsRemover(inputCol="words", outputCol="filtered")
df = fl.transform(df)
cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol="filtered", outputCol="rawFeatures")
model = cv.fit(df)
the above code will print list of vocabulary with index as it's ids.
Now I have created a pipeline of the above code as following:
rm_stop_words = StopWordsRemover(inputCol="words", outputCol="filtered")
count_freq = CountVectorizer(inputCol=rm_stop_words.getOutputCol(), outputCol="rawFeatures")
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[rm_stop_words, count_freq])
model = pipeline.fit(dfm)
df = model.transform(dfm)
print(model.vocabulary) # This won't work as it's not CountVectorizerModel
it will throw the following error
AttributeError: 'PipelineModel' object has no attribute 'vocabulary'
So how to extract the Model attribute from the pipeline?