Im pretty new to REST but as far as i have gathered i understand that the following URL's conform to the REST principles. Where the resources are laid out as follows:
^ ^ ^ ^
|---------|-----------|---|- user resource with username as a variable
|-----------|---|- many to one collection (books)
|---|- book id
|- many to one collection (tags)
GET /user/dave/library/book //retrieves a list of books id's
GET /user/dave/library/book/1 //retrieves info on book id=1
GET /user/dave/library/book/1/tags //retrieves tags collection (book id=1)
However, how would one go about optimizing this example API? Say for example i have 10K books in my library and i want to fetch the details of every book in my library. should i really force a http call to /library/book/<id>
for every id given in /library/book
? Or should i enable multiple id's as parameters? /library/book/<id1>,<id2>...
and do like bulk fetching with a 100 id's at a time?
What does the REST principles say about this kind of situation? and what are your opinion(s)?
Thanks again.