Add a prefix to each item of a PHP array
Asked Answered



I have a PHP array of numbers, which I would like to prefix with a minus (-). I think through the use of explode and implode it would be possible but my knowledge of php is not possible to actually do it. Any help would be appreciated.

Essentially I would like to go from this:

$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

to this:

$array = [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5];

Any ideas?

Cinnamon answered 1/10, 2011 at 1:50 Comment(0)


foreach ($array as &$value) {
   $value *= (-1);

Unless the array is a string:

foreach ($array as &$value) {
    $value = '-' . $value;
Shortwinded answered 1/10, 2011 at 1:53 Comment(6)
Nice. The pass by reference is essential.Budbudapest
@Peter Ajtai Essential, but also very dangerous. You should always deactivate the referenced variable: foreach ($array as &$value){ /* ... */ } unset($value);.Pratt
@PeterAjtai Good catch, even though this has 57 votes I went ahead and updated the answer with your suggestion.Compensate
Why is it dangerous?Zamarripa
@Zamarripa Because PHP doesn't have block level variable scopes. If you use a variable with the same name later in the code, it will magically overwrite the content of the referenced variable.Pratt
How can an array be a string (a scalar)? Do you mean that the array contains strings?Unbeliever

An elegant way to prefix array values (PHP 5.3+):

$prefixed_array = preg_filter('/^/', 'prefix_', $array);

Additionally, this is more than three times faster than a foreach.

Tournament answered 23/1, 2015 at 17:51 Comment(10)
I find this the best answer mainly while it's so much faster. Also worth mentioning is preg_replace, it does roughly the same but it always returns a same-sized array with the unmodified item for items that doesn't match the regex. It's also a bit lighter on the version requirements (exists in PHP4 vs preg_filter which requires PHP >= 5.3.0).Caviness
is there any way to add a suffix?Tumbler
@Avik To add a suffix just use the $ anchor: preg_filter('/$/', '_suffix', $array);Pratt
For more information about regular expressions in PHP read the PCRE manual:
thanks, i figured this out preg_filter('/^(.*?)$/', '$0*', $array), it does work, but i like yours, it is short. thanks again really appreciate the help :)Tumbler
This is awesome. It should definitly be the accepted answer for so many reasons. It is faster than a foreach, it moves the cyclomatic complexity to the internal sub-level of PHP and it can be used for prefix, suffix or change any part of the values of your array when you find a pattern to detect where the modification has to be done. I need to keep this function in my mind. Thank you.Vintager
I like this better than any other answers. I formerly use array_walk function but now I've changed to this way. Thank you so much!Summertime
can this method use array key to be the prefix of the value? I know foreach & array_walk can, but I wonder if this alsoSummertime
@TaufikNurRahmanda There are only a few functions in PHP that instantly combine keys with their values (http_build_query, for example). To my knowledge PCRE can't do this.Pratt
Thanks, this is the best answer, but I prefer preg_replace by the way.Guinness


foreach ($array as &$value) {
   $value *= (-1);

Unless the array is a string:

foreach ($array as &$value) {
    $value = '-' . $value;
Shortwinded answered 1/10, 2011 at 1:53 Comment(6)
Nice. The pass by reference is essential.Budbudapest
@Peter Ajtai Essential, but also very dangerous. You should always deactivate the referenced variable: foreach ($array as &$value){ /* ... */ } unset($value);.Pratt
@PeterAjtai Good catch, even though this has 57 votes I went ahead and updated the answer with your suggestion.Compensate
Why is it dangerous?Zamarripa
@Zamarripa Because PHP doesn't have block level variable scopes. If you use a variable with the same name later in the code, it will magically overwrite the content of the referenced variable.Pratt
How can an array be a string (a scalar)? Do you mean that the array contains strings?Unbeliever

In this case, Rohit's answer is probably the best, but the PHP array functions can be very useful in more complex situations.

You can use array_walk() to perform a function on each element of an array altering the existing array. array_map() does almost the same thing, but it returns a new array instead of modifying the existing one, since it looks like you want to keep using the same array, you should use array_walk().

To work directly on the elements of the array with array_walk(), pass the items of the array by reference ( function(&$item) ).

Since php 5.3 you can use anonymous function in array_walk:

// PHP 5.3 and beyond!
array_walk($array, function(&$item) { $item *= -1; }); // or $item = '-'.$item;

Working example

If php 5.3 is a little too fancy pants for you, just use createfunction():

// If you don't have PHP 5.3
array_walk($array,create_function('&$it','$it *= -1;')); //or $it = '-'.$it;

Working example

Budbudapest answered 1/10, 2011 at 4:0 Comment(3)
How much slower is your method compared to Rohits? I like one-liner so it would be nice to know how much "loss of speed" it will cause.Zamarripa
For simple numbers is probably faster a loop. Profile it:) In my case I needed to prefix strings before concatenating the whole array and the fastest solution was Array_walk followed by Implode.Fetish
Great solution. If you want to use previous declared var, add use($XXX) before "{ } : array_walk($rank, function(&$item) use($cpt) { if ($item >= $cpt) $item += 1; });Additament

Something like this would do:

array_map(function($val) { return -$val;} , $array)
Pericarditis answered 1/10, 2011 at 1:55 Comment(1)
Note that this is PHP 5.3+ only (due to the anonymous function), and it returns a new array instead of modifying the existing array (so print_r($array) would show $array unchanged after the above. - If you assign the returned value to $array this'll get the job done nicely.Budbudapest

You can replace "nothing" with a string. So to prefix an array of strings (not numbers as originally posted):

$prefixed_array = substr_replace($array, 'your prefix here', 0, 0);

That means, for each element of $array, take the (zero-length) string at offset 0, length 0 and replace it the prefix.

Reference: substr_replace

Itol answered 25/4, 2019 at 18:59 Comment(1)
this is a fantastic and simple solution that answers the question - thank you!Hoick
$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
$array=explode(",", ("-".implode(",-", $array)));
//now the $array is your required array
Downtrend answered 26/9, 2016 at 8:29 Comment(2)
Its a single line solution. What type of explanation do you want ?Downtrend
If any of the array contents contains a , then the resulting array will have more items than the original. This does work for the OPs case where it is just numbers.Turnedon

I had the same situation before.

Adding a prefix to each array value

function addPrefixToArray(array $array, string $prefix)
    return array_map(function ($arrayValues) use ($prefix) {
        return $prefix . $arrayValues;
    }, $array);

Adding a suffix to each array value

function addSuffixToArray(array $array, string $suffix)
    return array_map(function ($arrayValues) use ($suffix) {
        return $arrayValues . $suffix;
    }, $array);

Now the testing part:

$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

print_r(addPrefixToArray($array, 'prefix'));


Array ([0] => prefix1 [1] => prefix2 [2] => prefix3 [3] => prefix4 [4] => prefix5)

print_r(addSuffixToArray($array, 'suffix'));


Array ([0] => 1suffix [1] => 2suffix [2] => 3suffix [3] => 4suffix [4] => 5suffix)
Redress answered 17/4, 2019 at 8:7 Comment(0)

You can also do this since PHP 7.4:

$array = array_map(fn($item) => -$item, $array);

Live demo

Leannaleanne answered 27/7, 2023 at 10:52 Comment(0)

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