Solution For Windows ARM
Note: Microsoft doesn't have an official version to Github Copilot for Windows ARM so this tutorial will force installation manually by extracting the extension content.
How this solution works?
We will install another (non copilot) extension into Visual Studio and then after that is installed we will extract the content from the Copilot Extension and put into the previous extension folder (replace the content) so Visual Studio will load it.
Step 1
Make sure you have the latest version of Visual Studio (DON'T USE THE VS PREVIEW VERSION)
Step 2
Press Win+R and go to the folder %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\
there you will see a weird named folder with your VS version, in my case is VS 2022 v17.6.5
If you have multiple VS installed there will be multiple of these folders, consider uninstalling other VS to easily identify which one is the correct.
- Enter the selected folder and you should see the Extensions folder, enter inside that.
If you don't have any extension installed as me, there will be just the default files there:
Step 3
Install some extension first that will be replaced later, now I will install the Copilot Chat which is not what we want but we will use it's folder to place the Copilot extension:
- Close Visual Studio and it will install, after that you should see some new content on the Extensions folder:
Step 4
Download the Copilot Extension .vsix file from the marketplace
- Open the .vsix with 7ZIP or any other tool
- Extract the content to inside EVERY FOLDER in the Extensions folder, in my case I will extract inside the two folders that you see on my step 3.
If you did it right the replace prompt will show up, replace it!
Step 5
Open Visual studio and if it worked you should see it on the Installed menu:
Step 6
Add your github account to Visual Studio, BEFORE THIS make sure you have an active subscription or trial to the Copilot service.
- After adding github to your VS, check the logs to find any errors. You might want to restart VS some times to force it reload!
Demo on testing it:
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