I am trying to use a third party jar file within an Android application. I have been able to use some of the classes in the jar file just fine. However, one of the classes references some Java classes that don't appear to be supported by the dalvik vm. These are some of the errors I am seeing in LogCat:
Unable to find class referenced in signature java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.
Unable to resolve virtual method java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.getName().
Unable to resolve virtual method java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().
Unable to resolve static method java/beans/Introspector.getBeanInfo().
Unable to resolve exception class java/beans/IntrospectionException.
It appears that Java classes related to introspection and reflection are not supported by dalvik. I would like to find out two things. Is that a plan to support this in dalvik in the near future? Secondly, does anyone have a suggestion for a work around that would get around this problem?