I am using JXL to write an Excel file. The customer wants a certain column to display numbers with one decimal place. They also want the cell types to be "Number". When I use the following (test) code, the numbers are displayed correctly, but the cell type is "Custom".
File excelFile = new File("C:\\Users\\Rachel\\Desktop\\TestFile.xls");
WritableWorkbook excelBook = Workbook.createWorkbook(excelFile);
WritableSheet excelSheet = excelBook.createSheet("Test Sheet", 0);
WritableFont numberFont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL);
WritableCellFormat numberFormat = new WritableCellFormat(numberFont, new NumberFormat("#0.0"));
Number numberCell = new Number(0, 0, 25, numberFormat);
If I change the number format to be one of the variables in NumberFormats (e.g. NumberFormats.INTEGER), the cell type is correct. But the numbers are displayed as integers of course. I cannot find a variable in NumberFormats that matches my needs.
Anyone know of a way to get both the display of the numbers and the cell types correct? I need all of the numbers displayed with 1 decimal (even if they are integers). And I cannot switch to any other technology, I must use JXL.