For our dbgrid we want the scrollbars to be constantly hidden. Since TDBGrid doesn't have a 'scrollbars' property, we use:
ShowScrollBar(DBGrid1.Handle, SB_VERT, False);
ShowScrollBar(DBGrid1.Handle, SB_HORZ, False);
However when we resize the window (and the panel containing the dbgrid), for a second the scrollbars appear and becom hidden again only after recalling the two above methods.
A solution is to call these methods in DrawColumnCell, but this causes flickering of the dbgrid, even with DoubleBuffered set to true.
Is there any way to hide the scrollbars permanently?
Thanks in advance!
who offered a bounty here made from this question "also" topic for C++ Builder. On a first view I thought the same, later on I got it from the comments and from an overlooked bounty assignment. IMHO this should get accepted answer and the C++ Builder version of this Q asked separately. The problem is the bounty here, but I think admins might rollback it. – Yusem