I'm trying to write a replacewith function in jQuery that will replace specific words with html.
Basically I'm trying to replace something like [this]
with <span class='myclass'>
as the document is loaded. I've looked around for a couple samples but the couple things I saw I was unable to get to work. I'm still learning jQuery so I'm hoping someone could give me a couple suggestions as what to try.
Thanks in advance, Steven.
[this]hello world![/this]
$(document).ready(function() {
// Using just replace
I've made a few changes to the function using Nir's demo below. Heres a few more details about what I'm doing. I'm trying to make an inline fraction, which I already have the the appropriate classes and whatnot made. It works well when in html, but when I run the jQuery function It doesn't seem to work.
It's obvious the tags are replaced, but my css doesnt really seem to be working as I mentioned.
Heres a link to the HTML HERE
and heres a link to the jsfiddle HERE
$(document).ready(function() {
// Using just replace
var text = $('body').text();
$("body").html(text.replace(/\[math\]/g,'<span class="container">').replace(/\[\/math\]/g,'</span>'));
var textt = $('body').text();
$("body").html(textt.replace(/\[top\]/g,'<div class="containme">').replace(/\[\/top\]/g,'</div>'));
var textl = $('body').text();
$("body").html(textl.replace(/\[line\]/g,'<div class="borderme"> </div>'));
var textb = $('body').text();
$("body").html(textb.replace(/\[bot\]/g,'<div class="containme2">').replace(/\[\/bot\]/g,'</div>'));
<span class="readme">Whats up, here's a fraction.
<span class="container">
<div class="containme">1</div>
<div class="borderme"> </div>
<div class="containme2">2</div>
Hello? Whats up, here's a fraction.
<span class="container">
<div class="containme">1</div>
<div class="borderme"> </div>
<div class="containme2">2</div>
Hello? Whats up, here's a fraction.
to this shortend markup
<span class="readme"> Whats up, here's a fraction. [math][top]1[/top][line][bot]2[/bot][/math] </span>
returns a new string: developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/… – Sensorium