I'm running Spree 1.3.1 and I'm trying to customize the Taxon show page.
I would like it to return the products contained inside the current Taxon, eventually filtered by a property or by an option value.
For example let's say that I'm seeing the Taxon of an underwear collection. I'd like to filter the products shown, by providing a certain size (option_type). In this case I should list only products that have variants with the requested size.
I would like also to be able to filter the products by the "fit" property. Filtering by the slip fit, I should be able to list only products inside the current Taxon that have the required property.
This is the Taxon controller show action:
Spree::TaxonsController.class_eval do
def show
@taxon = Spree::Taxon.find_by_permalink!(params[:id])
return unless @taxon
@searcher = Spree::Config.searcher_class.new(params)
@searcher.current_user = try_spree_current_user
@searcher.current_currency = current_currency
@products = @searcher.retrieve_products
How should I modify it to fit my needs?