I get sessions, coming from PHP I used to
$_SESSION["key"] = "val";
echo $_SESSION["key"];
Set one or more keys and their values serverside and be able to retrieve or overwrite it until the session expires.
The same with gorilla/sessions
sessionStore *sessions.CookieStore
sessionSecret []byte = make([]byte, 64)
session *sessions.Session
func init(){
sessionSecret = []byte("12345678901234567890123456789012")
sessionStore = sessions.NewCookieStore(sessionSecret)
session = sessions.NewSession(sessionStore, "session_name")
func SetSessionHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
session, _ = sessionStore.Get(r, "session_name")
session.Values["key"] = "val"
session.Save(r, w)
func GetSessionHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
session, _ = sessionStore.Get(r, "session_name")
Now I don't get what the point of gorilla/context is. I know what a context is but... I don't know how it fits in the big picture. It says that it's bound to the current request. Another question here on stackoverflow said that "simply using gorilla/context should suffice" in the context of Writing Per-Handler Middleware.
But if it's request bound... err.. syntax error, does not compute. If a duck floats on water then witches are made from wood. And because ducks also float on water if her weight is the same as that of a duck she must be a witch. Or something like that ;)
And how could this be useful as a middleware "manager" when it's request-bound, I can't set it globally. Could you perhaps show an example of how a gorilla/sessions could be used with gorilla/context?