I've been thinking in how to implement the equivalent of unfold
for the following type:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | Nil
It was not immediately obvious since the standard unfold
for lists returns a value and the next seed. For this datatype, it doesn't make sense, since there is no "value" until you reach a leaf node. This way, it only really makes sense to return new seeds or stop with a value. I'm using this definition:
data Drive s a = Stop | Unit a | Branch s s deriving Show
unfold :: (t -> Drive t a) -> t -> Tree a
unfold fn x = case fn x of
Branch a b -> Node (unfold fn a) (unfold fn b)
Unit a -> Leaf a
Stop -> Nil
main = print $ unfold go 5 where
go 0 = Stop
go 1 = Unit 1
go n = Branch (n - 1) (n - 2)
While this seems to work, I'm not sure this is how it is supposed to be. So, that is the question: what is the correct way to do it?